On April 16th -17th 2012, the PIDOP research consortium organised its second international multidisciplinary conference at the University of Surrey, on the theme ‘Political and Civic Participation’. The Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM) was the co-host of the conference. The conference was open to all researchers, academics, policymakers and practitioners with interests in this field.
In response to the Call for Papers, abstracts were received from researchers and scholars working in 49 different countries across the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. This overwhelming response far exceeded all expectations of the organising committee. The conference itself was attended by 130 participants, representing the full range of social science disciplines, from 30 different countries. There were also representatives from non-academic organisations and NGOs at the conference, including both the Spencer Foundation (Chicago, USA), and the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France).
After the initial welcomes, the conference opened with a plenary address by Martyn Barrett entitled ‘The PIDOP Project: Achievements and Recommendations’, which provided an overview of the project and its main findings, and reported some of the evidence-based policy recommendations which the research project has formulated.
The conference programme also contained five PIDOP panels covering the following topics:
Keynote addresses at the conference were presented by two of the leading international researchers in the field, Judith Torney-Purta and Bert Klandermans. Professor Torney-Purta’s address was entitled ‘European Young People’s Civic Engagement in Cross National Perspective: Developmental Roots and Futures’, while Professor Klandermans’ was entitled ‘Contextualizing Contestation: Movements, Organizers, and the Internet’.
Further plenary addresses were also presented at the conference by Reinhild Otte, Council of Europe expert on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, and Colin Ong-Dean, from the Spencer Foundation’s New Civics Initiative, Chicago, USA. Dr. Otte's address was entitled ‘Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Citizenship (European Developments)’.
To download a copy of the conference programme, click here.
To access copies of other presentations made at the conference, click here.
To watch short interviews with some of the speakers from the PIDOP conference, please click on the links below (YouTube).
The Co-Chairs of the conference were Martyn Barrett, University of Surrey, UK, and Bruna Zani, University of Bologna, Italy.
The conference Organising Committee consisted of the members of the University of Surrey PIDOP research team: Martyn Barrett (Chair), Nick Emler, Roberta Guerrina, Rachel Brooks, Tereza Capelos, Ian Brunton-Smith, Nick Walters, Dimitra Pachi, Christiano Bee and David Garbin, with Mirela Dumic as the committee administrator.
The Scientific Committee of the conference consisted of the PIDOP team leaders and Work Package coordinators: Erik Amnå (Örebro, Sweden), Martyn Barrett (Surrey, UK), Michel Born (Liège, Belgium), Rachel Brooks (Brunel, UK), Tereza Capelos (Surrey, UK), Yvonne Galligan (Belfast, UK), Roberta Guerrina (Surrey, UK), Evanthia Lyons (Belfast, UK), Petr Macek (Brno, Czech Republic), Isabel Menezes (Porto, Portugal), Peter Noack (Jena, Germany), Tulin Sener (Ankara, Turkey), Bruna Zani (Bologna, Italy).
Conference participants at Clandon Park, Surrey
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